Friday, April 18, 2008

Final Exam Study Slide - 15

Robert Frank
Parade - Hoboken, New Jersey

From Frank's book, The Americans

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Lewis Baltz
South Wall Xerox Element #27 The New Industrial Parks Near Irvin, CA

See your text for information on this photograph!!

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Robert Adams
Untitled (Denver 1970)

Know the term!! - New Topographic

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Ralph Eugene Meatyard
Untitled (Boy in Old Man's Mask with Doll)
c. 1960

Meatyard made eyeglasses for a living. On the weekends he would load his family in the station wagon and explore the south photographing strange and mysterious scenes concocted by Meatyard himself of his wife and children.

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Lewis Hine
Icarus atop the Empire State Building

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Stephen Shore
Horseshoe Bend Motel Lovell, Wyoming, July 16, 1973

From Shore's Book, Uncommon Places

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Joel Strenfeld
After a Flash Flood, Rancho Mirage, CA

Traveling the United States with an 8x10 view camera and a police scanner, Sternfeld documented both the familiar and the sometimes unbelievable events of everyday life in his book, American Prospects.

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David Levinthal
from "Hitler Moves East"

See class notes for more information!!

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Henri Cartier-Bresson
Behind the Gaze St. Lazare, Paris

HCB's work coined the phrase, "the decisive moment".

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Eugene Atget
Shop, Avenue des Gobelins

Photographing early 20th century Paris, Atget made images of the early morning city streets, creating a haunting but beautiful record of the urban landscape. For most of his life Atget's work was unrecognized and he struggled financially. It was only after his death and with the help of photographer Bernice Abbot that his work became well known.

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Walker Evans
Alabama Tenant Farmer Floyd Burroughs

During the 1930s, Evans made photographs for the Farm Security Administration(FSA). One of his subjects was the Burroughs family of Hale County Alabama.

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Man Ray

Working with Lee Miller, Man Ray perfected the technique of solarization, as seen in this image. Ray is also well known for his "Rayographs", where he used translucent and three dimensional objects to create photograms. He was also an influential member of both the Dada and Surrealist movements.

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Cindy Sherman
Untitled Film Still #48

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Bernd and Hilla Becher
Water Towers

Beginning their collaboration at the Düsseldorf Academy in Germany, the Bechers photographed the industrial architecture populating the landscape. In focusing on architecture designed more for function than form, they created a typology of utilitarian structures.

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Dorthea Lange
Migrant Mother, Nipomo, CA

As part of the Farm Security Administration(FSA), Lange photographed the plight of the rural poor as they traveled across the United States in search of work and food.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The final exam will be held in our normal classroom at 1pm on April 22nd. You are free to use your text and notes during the test. See you there!!!